The Learning Contract

March 31, 2009


Hi TSers,

Well the time for submission of the learning contract
is this Friday April 3rd. Yes, this Friday! But before
you try to stick your head in the toaster or madly fill
in each section, remember that you do have until
week 8 to finalise your learning contract. Phew!
I will look over each Learning contract and provide
feedback. Remember, this contract is to help you plan
and maintain focus, so think of it as a tool to guide
you through the entire process of conceptualizing,
planning and producing your social media doco.

What to submit?

You need to send me an email with the
url (permalink) to your learning contract,
which should be a post on your blog. A good
idea is to haveĀ  a separate category on your
blog to house the contract. If your not sure
how to do this, just ask me in the tute and I
will help you.

